Five Important Funeral Etiquettes You Must Observe During A Funeral Service in the Philippines

Posted on: May 10, 2019 Publish By: funerallink

Filipinos are known and portrayed around the world as the conservative ones. But as much as we agree to this, social media presents us otherwise. We can see on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, the younger generation Filipinos are outspoken, liberated and open-minded. That doesn’t mean conservative is close-minded. It just shows this new generation wants “new and fresh” ideas, we can also call “change”.

Moving forward however can also mean forgetting and/or neglecting customs and traditions, superstitious and nonsuperstitious beliefs (link of the previous blog about superstitious beliefs), and the most important of all etiquettes.

Etiquette is defined as “the customary code of polite behavior in society”. It has to be observed every time, everywhere.

The one as old as time, “Respect the elders” is now taken for granted. How many times has the Tulfo Brothers get a parent and child arguing on-air live and in the interwebs? The change we perceive in our society nowadays, unfortunately, overlaps with influence. Social media and the internet has opened everyone up to other cultures, and it influences our views about our heritage and beliefs.

Respecting the elders includes respecting somebody who passed away or has gone before us (whether older or younger than us) and the family left behind. Funeral etiquette is like an unwritten rule that should be observed and should be transferred by word of mouth from one generation to another.

philippines flag, etiquettes in funeral service in the philippines, funeral service, funeral

Here are important funeral etiquettes Filipinos should observe:

Also remember for guests that: it is not about you. The funeral is for the departed’s life to be celebrated and his last days on earth spent with dignity and love.

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