The Stereotyping and Misconceptions Of Pre-planned Funerals

Posted on: Sep 30, 2019 Publish By: funerallink

Let’s admit it, the world has made all of us aware to be kind and sensitive for everything – color, gender, race, body type, age, vocabulary, culture- you name it. You have to be politically correct to be correct. 

But in the funeral business’ world, the stereotype that “this is for old people’s purchases” is not true. Since this is an end-of-life preparation, young people think they need for funeral homes and their pre-need plans are for the retired and the old ones. 

But this could be true as well considering, “In 2017 the life expectancy in the Philippines increased to 69.24 years. That year, the life expectancy for women was 72.82 years and for men 65.94 years.” This is according to an article by Country Economy. 

With a new House Bill 8683 which seeks to amend Section 13-A of Republic Act 8291, otherwise known as the “Government Service Insurance Act of 1997, government workers can now retire at 56. Pre-need funeral plans can now be purchased with this new and “younger” niche market, compared to the usual retirable age of 60 before – the Baby Boom generation to Generation X. 

To further understand this, Achieve Global published a very helpful article called “Age-Based Stereotypes: Silent Killer of Collaboration and Productivity” 

The Stereotyping and Misconceptions Of Pre-planned Funerals ,funerallink, funeral service in the philippines, funeral home in the philippines, funeral home near me, funeral home in manila, funeral home in cebu city

By Chris Blauth, Jack McDaniel, Craig Perrin, Paul B. Perrin, Ph.D. The article narrates “some of the values and traits ascribed by theorists to four generations”: 

Priorities of every generation are different. The common stereotype is that Generation XYZ thinks only the Baby Boomers need funeral plans just as Generation X need to purchase educational plans for their kids. This is untrue and a common misconception for pre-need funerals. 

High-risk careers like the military, law enforcement, aviation hospitality. Even working as an Overseas Foreign Worker in some countries abroad is risky. The need to consider pre-planned funerals when on these jobs is very advantageous. Funerallink can provide information for major Funeral homes of every province in the Philippines possible wherever you are in the world.

Another misconception is the price. Younger generations would choose to invest in stocks and travel. This is not necessarily unnecessary. But booking funeral plans in advance actually save you a lot of money. Prices of goods go up every day, just as the cost of the funeral now will be twice the cost in the next ten years. Pre-planning is actually affordable.

Majority of Generation X is a realist. They speak and express themselves for what they see and what it is – no sugar coating. They speak about funeral as a part and fact of life and includes topics about death in the discussion. It is important that everyone in the family is involved in the pre-planning stage of the funeral to avoid these misconceptions. Open communication is the key to avoid the conflict of whichever generation especially on a topic such as funeral pre-planning. 

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