Halloween Fun Facts For a Spooky Celebration!

Posted on: Nov 2, 2020 Publish By: funerallink
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Of all things spooky and thrilling, Halloween is a celebration much awaited by every one of all ages. Trick and treats, jack-o-lanterns, and spooky costumes, become the tradition embedded with the celebration of Halloween. As every family take this time to eat treats, watch spooky movies or a whole lot of fun, here are our compilation of fun facts associated with Halloween!

Chicken Feed as Candy Corn

Halloween wouldn’t be complete without this iconic sweets. Truth be told, candy corn tastes like chicken feed but that is not why it was originally identified as such. Candy corn was called as chicken feed as a reference to corn being a primary source of food for chickens. At the same time, candy corn was created by George Renninger during 1880s and later sold to Goelitz Confectionary Company by 1900s.

jack o lantern

Irish Legend of Stingy Jack

The Stingy Jack is known for his conniving schemes and how he deceived the devil. On the first encounter, Stingy Jack invited the Devil for a drink. However, Jack wouldn’t want to pay and convinced the Devil to take shape as a coin. Instead of using the coin to pay, Jack pocketed it and kept it near a silver cross preventing the Devil to take form.

Jack deceived the Devil once again by saying that if he was to be let go, he’d leave him alone for a year and that the Devil could not claim his soul. By the time Jack died, the Devil could not claim him and God wouldn’t want Jack to be in heaven.

Because Jack had nowhere to go, he was sent off the night walking alone with only a burning coal placed inside a turnip for his path. Ever since, Jack is roaming the Earth with nowhere to go.

The tradition of Jack’s lanterns were made from beets, turnips, and potatoes. Nowadays, people of the USA use pumpkins as lanterns.

trick or treat

Soul-ing Instead of Trick or Treating

For the sake of safety, it is troubling to send off children with the costumes to homes asking for candies. However, this tradition originated from the Middle Ages and from the old rituals of Samhain.

During those old times, it was said on the fateful night of Samhain, phantoms walked the Earth and would mingle with the people. To repel the spirits, people would wear costumes.

Haunting the Most Powerful House

It is said that some houses are inhibited by restless souls that haven’t found their place in this World. However, one of the greatest rumors heard about haunted houses is the most powerful house in the World, the White House. It is said that ghost sightings of Abraham Lincoln can be witnessed. Among others were, Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill.

As we celebrate the Halloween with different spooky antics, may we always remember the heart of this event, to remember our departed and commemorate their lives.

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